TIP: Every time a politician seeking your vote promotes a policy, type into Chat GPT:
"What are the unintended consequences of__________________?"
FOR EXAMPLE, try "raising taxes on corporations" or "mass immigration" or "penalizing fossil fuel companies." We must learn to see beyond the headline, and learn the truth!
IN DEMOCRACIES, the citizens choose their leaders. Your elected leaders make laws and control the direction of your country and how it is funded through taxation. And the dollars your government spends are dollars that were taken from citizens who earned those dollars.
Citizens of Democracies have a big responsibility. They must learn the issues our community, our society and the world face. Then, vote accordingly.
Mankind must take this responsibility seriously in order for the world to thrive. And what an awesome opportunity for improvement we have!
Mankind must learn to distinguish fact from opinion and to withhold support of any political view until:
For as long as politicians have roamed Earth, mankind’s ignorance has been exploited for self-gain or group-gain, at the expense of societal-gain. Today, the technology and media politicians have at their disposal to shape your illusion of knowledge creates a formidable challenge for every responsible citizen.
On a macro-level, citizens must retain control of educational system content, or they will be indoctrinated by self-serving government imposed programming. On a micro-level, each citizen must learn to discern fact from opinion and push back against lies and propaganda.
Because of its impact on every facet of life, improving economic literacy should be a top priority of every educational system in the world. The world will be a much better place when its citizens understand basic economics and seek truth. Once the populace understands the truth, they will demand the truth from its political candidates. Learn before you vote!
“The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but all groups… Nine-tenths of the economic fallacies that are working such dreadful harm in the world today are the result of ignoring this lesson.”
Henry Hazlitt - Economics in One Lesson
Your freedom is a byproduct of your personal responsibility!
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